Are you a debunker or fact-checker? Take this survey to help us understand the issue

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Are you a debunker or fact-checker? Take this survey to help us understand the issue

This video of Pope Francis pulling a 'tablecloth trick' on his visit to the US was shared widely, but ultimately fake

As rumors and false information continue to spread quicker than the truth, we hope to bring debunkers and fact-checkers together to share ideas of best practice

Major news events like the Paris attacks quickly give birth to false rumors, hoaxes and viral misinformation. But there is a small, growing number of people and organizations who seek to quickly identify, verify or debunk and spread the truth about such misinformation that arises during major news events. As much as possible, they want to stop a false rumor before it spreads.

These real-time debunkers, some of which First Draft has profiled recently, face many challenges. But by sharing such challenges and possible solutions, it is possible to find collective answers to the problem of false information.

The survey below intends to gather tips and tactics from those doing this work in an attempt to identify best practices to be shared.

If you are engaged in this type of work — or have experimented with it in the past — we ask that you please take a moment to complete this quick survey and share your advice.

Results will be published on First Draft News.

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