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Prevention, not cure, may be a more effective way to combat misinformation.
Keywords related to rumor can help us understand and respond to dangerous activities online.
How does our technology affect what misinformation we do and don't see?
We introduce the concept of 'data deficits', and explain why we must monitor them, and how.
Data voids on social networks are spreading misinformation and causing real world harm.
How can we use our psychology to prevent misinformation from spreading and influencing people? We explain the key concepts in the third of a three-part series.
Why does our psychology make misinformation so hard to correct? We explain the key concepts in the second of a three-part series.
How does our psychology make us more vulnerable to misinformation? We explain the key concepts in the first of a three-part series.
A step-by-step guide to crafting optimised searches and finding useful material on social networks.