January's fake news quiz: Celebrity deaths, Tony the Tiger and Trump-branded condoms?

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January’s fake news quiz: Celebrity deaths, Tony the Tiger and Trump-branded condoms?

How many of these stories from January really happened? Take our quiz and find out.

The Internet is awash with fake pictures, hoax stories and re-used images. So how many of these stories from January are actually real?

Check out the ‘5 tell-tale signs of an online hoax‘ and our Resources page to find more ways of spotting misinformation.

Image credits: (1) Snopes, (2) BuzzFeed, (3) Gawker, (4) The Independent, (5) John Mitchell, (6) jeepersmedia/Flickr, (7) public domain, (8) sayitwithacondom.com, (9) Adam Ferriss/Tumblr, (10) Snopes.

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