Watch Storyful's Eliza Mackintosh discuss verification in terror attacks at #FDLive

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Watch Storyful’s Eliza Mackintosh discuss verification in terror attacks at #FDLive

How did journalists act fast to verify information in the Charleston, South Carolina shooting, at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon and in Paris?

How can you verify information in the chaos of a terror attack? Or dig up details about the suspects, like with Dylann Roof’s assault on a church in Charleston, South Carolina? Or the multi-site attacks in Paris last November?

Eliza Mackintosh demonstrates the tools and techniques used at Storyful for the recent #FDLive event at the Guardian offices in London.

Other talks at the event included:

#FDLive is a new series of workshops for journalists, hosted by global newsrooms and broadcast live online. Details of the next event will be announced soon.

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