We're hiring a Community Editor to join our London team

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We’re hiring a Community Editor to join our London team

We are hiring!

First Draft is building a digital team to inform the next generation of journalists, raise awareness of our work and build our communities online and offline

First Draft is recruiting a Community Editor to join our team in London as part of our cutting edge work tackling information disorder and leading collaborative journalism projects.

The new recruit will join the digital team within the wider First Draft headquarters working across editorial, research, digital production and training.

The Community Editor will have a passion for world news, global politics and the impact of information disorder, as well as a demonstrable knack for building thriving online communities.

From finding and engaging key communities, such as citizen ambassadors, student journalists and trusted influencers, to hosting online events, workshops and live Q&As, the Community Editor will be responsible for reaching the right people, at the right time, on the right platforms.

Read the full job description and apply now – we are looking to hire as soon as possible.


We recently launched ongoing verification projects Comprobado in Spain and CrossCheck Australia, alongside opening bureaux in the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY, New York and the The Centre for Media Transition at UTS in Sydney.

In 2019, First Draft is launching CrossCheck, a global network of journalists, researchers and analysts working collaboratively to investigate and accurately report instances of mis- and disinformation, and campaigns of manufactured amplification.

The new HQ based in London, and teams based at bureaux in Sydney and New York, build on our pioneering work around elections in the US, France, UK, Germany, Brazil and Nigeria to support the development of sustainable, collaborative efforts globally in 2019.

We also have plans to support international projects in Argentina, Canada, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Uruguay, among others, plus a cross-border project to investigate misinformation tactics and trends in Europe.

The Community Editor position is for an immediate start and we are actively seeking to build a diverse and multi-lingual team. Please see our Opportunities page for more details and full details of our recruitment policy.

For more on our new London office, read the first edition of the First Draft blog. For updates about our work and team developments, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.