A Journalist's Guide to Approaching Social Sources
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A Journalist’s Guide to Approaching Social Sources

A Journalist's Guide to Approaching Social Sources

Download by clicking the link above and find out:
1. How should I contact a social source?
2. How should I word call-outs to eyewitnesses?
3. Do I have to get permission before I can use eyewitness media?
4. How should I contact eyewitnesses when I need to gain permission to use their media?
5. What happens if people take down their content?
6. What do I need to worry about if I’m embedding content?
7. Do I need to pay for eyewitness media?
8. Do I need to worry about the people visible in the eyewitness media?
9. Should I add a credit to the content?
10. How can I protect myself when viewing graphic imagery?

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