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Learn language and location tricks when reporting on Arabic-speaking regions with this guide from Tom Trewinnard
Pictures from social media are increasingly important in breaking news, but few workflows exist to make the process efficient. Here are some ideas to help.
Despite vowing to give articles from hoax sites less prominence in its newsfeed, Facebook seems to be making little headway in the battle for truth.
Teams at the recent RightsCon experimented with different designs to find more effective ways of signalling when a picture is true or false
Those trying to divert the news to serve their own agenda are getting more sophisticated, so journalists need to know what to look out for
Fake accounts aren’t just for scammers and advertisers, sometimes they can also be effective censors
Meedan's open-source platform for collaborative verification is a great way to practice your skills and get involved in a community
A glance at international efforts to sort eyewitness media fact from fiction
A Bellingcat-Checkdesk case study and tips for journalists, by Tom Trewinnard from Checkdesk
When news is breaking halfway around the world and eyewitnesses are posting video, photos, and status updates to social networks, often the first step in verification is translation
With Facebook introducing news flags to identify fake content, how can we stop fake news being circulated in the first place?