Watch Tom Trewinnard show how journalists can collaborate on verification

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Watch Tom Trewinnard show how journalists can collaborate on verification

Journalists need to verify newsworthy pictures and video from social media, but that doesn't mean they have to do it alone

Making sure newsworthy pictures and videos are real is more important than ever, but that doesn’t mean journalists have to do it alone.

At the recent First Draft Live event at AJ+ in San Francisco, Meedan’s Tom Trewinnard showed how journalists can collaborate with their audiences around verification, and detailed some of the most effective ways to communicate when something is fake.

Watch Tom’s talk here and find links to the other presentations from the series below.

Other videos from #FDLive3 at AJ+

Videos from #FDLive at The New York Times:

Videos from #FDLive at the Guardian:

Follow First Draft on Twitter and Facebook to find out about the next #FDLive event.

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