Video: Tools and techniques for verifying newsworthy footage

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Video: Tools and techniques for verifying newsworthy footage

Find out how to verify pictures and videos from social media with these tips from the First Draft Live event at AJ+

Hoaxes and old imagery are now part of the digital debris around big news events, so journalists need to know how to sort the real from the fake quickly.

First Draft managing editor Alastair Reid highlighted some of the tools and techniques journalists can use to verify pictures and videos at the recent First Draft Live training day at AJ+ in San Francisco, and download the First Draft visual verification guide here.

Watch his talk from #FDLive3 and find links to the other presentations from the series below.

Other videos from #FDLive3 at AJ+

Videos from #FDLive at The New York Times:

Videos from #FDLive at the Guardian:

Follow First Draft on Twitter and Facebook to find out about the next #FDLive event.


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