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Amnesty International's verification on a shooting in Papua New Guinea compelled a government to concede refugees and asylum seekers were endangered
The January 1st attack on a nightclub in Istanbul shows again why everyone on social media needs to be careful about the images they share
Our latest report aims to clear up confusion around copyright law and highlight pitfalls news organisations should avoid when using eyewitness media.
During times of confusion and unrest there are attempts to deceive on every side, writes Eyewitness Media Hub's Sam Dubberley
'No organisation has truly found a way to solve the problem' of vicarious trauma caused by graphic images , says Eyewitness Media Hub's Sam Dubberley
Eyewitness Media Hub's Sam Dubberley details some of the key considerations from recent research into vicarious trauma in newsrooms
New research shows how vicarious trauma is a serious issue for journalists looking at user-generated content
If you were asked by the police to hand over your phone, would your content be protected?
Should news organisations do more to protect the identity of victims featured in eyewitness media?