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See if you remember how much of an impact fake news had around the world in the final First Draft fake news quiz
See if you spotted the facts and fakes over October in the latest edition of the First Draft fake news quiz
Harambe, trolls and 9/11: see how many fakes you can spot in the latest edition of the First Draft quiz
Think you've got a good nose for fake news? Take the quiz to see if you can sort these true stories from the false
Can you spot which of these news and viral stories from July are real and which ones are hoaxes?
Can you spot which of these news and viral stories from June are real and which ones are hoaxes?
See if you've been caught out by hoaxers taking advantage of the EU Referendum
Test your knowledge with the latest in our monthly series of fake news quizzes
Another month, another round-up of fake and falsified news stories. Take our quiz to test whether you can tell the true from false