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16 newsrooms will work together to discover and investigate misleading and fabricated information around the February election
First journalism collaborative dedicated to tackling misinformation to use the WhatsApp Business API for managing communications with audiences
The field guide's series of visual "recipes" focuses on capturing how digital platforms shape misleading information
20 articles that illustrate how the fight against information disorder changed in 2017
In-depth interviews and surveys found that the collaboration was credible, and taught verification skills
WITNESS writes about a project that uses eyewitness media to document Oromo protestors killed in Ethiopia
Misinformation didn't change the outcome of the Bundestag election, but it still made headlines
Monitoring online conversations revealed a serious problem with the sharing of misleading campaign information
How First Draft and Full Fact will work together for the 2017 UK general election
How understanding the public's motivations can help journalists combat rumors and foster more trustworthy coverage