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Learn language and location tricks when reporting on Arabic-speaking regions with this guide from Tom Trewinnard
Knowing the differences in how user-generated content is captured and uploaded in different countries is vital for newsgathering and verification
Reportedly's Asteris Masouras argues that eyewitness reports may provide much of the content for covering the refugee crisis but news organisations have a duty to present it in the right context
Verifying and publishing propaganda raises many challenges for news organisations, but it is important to inform the public of the wider story
Bellingcat’s Eliot Higgins discusses the issues in reporting on the Russian bombing of Syrian targets using social media and open-source intelligence
A single image can be decisive in the telling of a story. Alan Kurdi’s tragic death raised awareness of the Syrian refugee crisis, changing headlines and minds across Europe
Eliot Higgins from Bellingcat shows how he used Google Maps and other tools to find where an ISIS video was filmed in Syria