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New research from First Draft goes into detail on how staged footage became an engine for vaccine misinformation and mistrust in Pakistan, derailing efforts to immunise millions of children.
The release of the Snap Map and its activity during the G20 protests, has renewed interest in the platform as a reporting tool
Do you find newsworthy videos are often deleted before you get a chance to verify them and use them in your reporting? Video Vault might be your new best friend
WITNESS Media Lab explain some tools and techniques they use to verify videos in Western Sahara, where the protests by Sahrawi people are regularly shut down
The consortium of universities, tech companies and media organisations will build tools for newsrooms, with prototypes ready for September
In 2015, eyewitness video did more than just make headlines – it changed the way activists and police interact with one another and the community at large
Users on iOS can now geolocate broadcasts and watch replays from the last 24 hours
MIT research student Cynthia Fang has built a prototype for finding the earliest upload of a video automatically