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Ongoing investigations into the origin of the coronavirus pandemic have created a minefield for journalists and audiences.
Skepticism about the Covid-19 vaccines in Hong Kong is as much a political and emotional issue as it is scientific.
Social media allows some fringe candidates to gain online reach they wouldn't otherwise have
Exploring collaborative solutions between science communicators and journalists to help combat misinformation.
The homegrown vaccine is a key part of India’s massive immunization drive, despite Phase 3 trial data still being collected
The languages we speak greatly determine our access to reliable information and fact checks that debunk half-truths or false claims. A recent webinar by First Draft and Global Voices investigates how linguistic minorities can overcome this information inequality.
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the line between online discourse and offline action has long disappeared.
As the pandemic spreads in Latin America, some Christian communities find themselves caught between faith and science.
Despite the trending hashtags and media coverage, research shows anti-maskers are often amplified by algorithms, Twitter and the people who mock them.
Geopolitical and nationalist narratives have been playing out in different communities, fomenting false information around treatments and cures for the coronavirus.